ep. 214: Shroom Boom, part 3
Are magic mushrooms the next big mental health med?

ep. 200: Ask Unladylike: Emotional Support Lady
Allison Raskin, aka Emotional Support Lady, helps advise unladies navigating mental health in the workplace, dating and friendships

ep. 186: REAL Self-Care
Dr. Pooja Lakshmin reclaims self-care from Big Beauty & Wellness and demystifies its transformative powers.

ep. 184: Ozempic Weight Loss, Reconsidered
What we DON’T talk about when we talk about Ozempic for weight loss.

ep. 179: Confronting Codependency
Can toxic relationships be a form of addiction?

ep. 173: The Ozempic Weight-Loss Craze
Why is a type 2 diabetes injectable the latest ‘miracle’ weight-loss drug?

ep. 172: Ask Unladylike: Financially Responsible for Your Mom?
Unblurring the line between financial support and enabling with Alex Bentz-Hamilton.

ep. 131: Ask Unladylike: BFF 911!
How do you handle emotionally fraught friendships?

ep. 126: Untangling Hair pt. 3: Losing It
Why do we pretend women don't lose their hair?

ep. 121: Diagnosis: Endometriosis
Endometriosis is way more than just “bad periods.”

ep. 116: Ask Unladylike: Happiness vs. Toxic Positivity
Where's the line between fostering happiness and just forcing women to smile all the time?

ep. 113: ADHD All Grown Up
Caroline and Cristen sort through the gender stereotyping and moralizing that obscures ADHD in girls and women.

ep. 105: How to Face Adult Acne
Has breaking out ever made you feel like breaking down?

ep. 85: How to Feel Your Pandemic Feels
A pandemic check-in with listeners, illustrator Tyler Feder and therapist Dr. Joy Harden-Bradford.

ep. 82: How to Break up with Mom
What happens when daughters break up with their moms?

ep. 77: How to Mind Mental Illness with Esmé Weijun Wang
What happens when you aren’t “the appropriate type of crazy?”

ep. 75: How to Sober Up
What happens when women sober up?

ep. 43: How to Feel Sad
Women's anger is all the rage, but what’s a weepy unlady to do with uninspiring sadness?