ep. 170: Ask Unladylike: Butch Girlfriends & Childfree Stepmoms
Gender roles ever catch you by surprise? Comedian Emma Willmann (Inside the Closet) offers her firsthand advice to a lesbian listener turned off by her girlfriend's masculinity. Then, Cristen answers a childfree stepmom feeling pressured to play homemaker for the holidays.
Emma Willmann: IG | TikTok | Inside the Closet
Gosselin, Julie; Rousseau, Katherine. Gender typing in stepmothers: a phenomenological analysis. Qualitative Research Journal. 2012.
Levitt, Heidi M.; Hiestand, Katherine R. Gender Within Lesbian Sexuality: Butch and Femme Perspectives. Journal of Constructivist Psychology. 2004.
Lindenauer, Leslie. I Could Not Call Her Mother: The Stepmother in American Popular Culture, 1750—1960. Lexington Books. 2013.